Eiradescent's avatar
Okay, so I wanna help you file the DMCA.
What category are you filing under?

Also, I wanna make a video over the Poppy situation and mention your pixel being stolen. Is that okay with you? ;o
CloverWing's avatar

This was posted a few comments earlier. That's the way I've tried filing it. 
Eiradescent's avatar
Honestly,,, I'd consider getting a no-win-no-fee lawer or something against poppy,,, youtube is refusing to handle a legal dmca,,, you could sue youtube themselves for it
CloverWing's avatar
I am going to do a little research on a lawyer just to ask them realistically: what chance do I have of actually winning any sort of case, how much would it cost me to pursue this, worst case scenarios, etc....
I read through Deviant Art's terms of service, and my "rights" over something I upload are not given up just because I upload it. Some youtube commenter told me that I was SOL because once I upload I give up all rights, but that actually isn't true apparently! So yes, I'll do what I can. :)
CloverWing's avatar
You are welcome to make a video on it about what happened. Let me know if you need more details or anything though!