DystopianUtahraptor's avatar
In China and other such countries that are overpopulated with high levels of poverty, it is not uncommon to see an animal that those in the better-off countries take in as novelty pets up on the market. Out there, you either eat the chicken or you get eggs from the chicken. Same with cows and other animals you can get more material from, like milk. Many families cannot afford TWO cows or chickens or pigs or anything we take for granted in a 'better' country, much less eat one when they do have two. So, they eat something else in abundance; dogs, cats, monkeys, etc.

I agree with someone down below; I am appalled more at the treatment of animals used for food than I am angry about the animals being used for food.

I commend the photographer for showing us the markets in another country; it is good to see how other people are living and sometimes it takes just that to make someone see just how much better off they really are.
DystopianUtahraptor's avatar