Comment on The Satos by sleepyzebra

Olympian1997's avatar
Hiroshi really spun out of control. Part of me still can't believe that he turned on his own daughter... She hesitated. He actually took advantage of it and tried to kill her... It makes me sick. They were such a nice family. I'm proud of Asami for taking a stand against her father. I feel really bad for her
sleepyzebra's avatar
I know, he really is a horrible father. I do feel really bad for Asami, because in the end, she lost her mother, father, boyfriend, and now that Korra's with her ex-boyfriend, the relationship with Korra and her is probably a little stilted.
Makosharkman's avatar
I feel sorry for Asami to her mother gone and her fathers in jail.

and if anyone to blame for what mako did its her father Mako wouldn't have ditch Asami if her father hadn't used him and his brother and Korra and peterayed them and asami and try to have there bending taken away.

also do you want to know what I wish happen after Korra finds out Mr Sato is working with the eqalist.
This is a rare example that shows that even the most loving and  the most caring of people can turn to the dark-side.
Makosharkman's avatar
just to make things better for there loved ones you got one hell of a point there buddy.
Unfortunely yeah.

So much for honor thy parents (in this sad case, the father).
Makosharkman's avatar
Olympian1997's avatar
Yeah... I love how Ikki just blatantly says "Hey Asami. Did you know Korra likes Mako?" And then Korra puts on her apocalypse face! I think Ikki just brought the inevitable to light. You knew it was going to happen at some point, and the writers just found a way to make it hilarious!