roninbearz's avatar
I've always loved graphix & graphix design...secretly yearning to be as masterful at it as some I see & you're certainly no exception.
Paula-Rosa's avatar
Bearz, you're a master already! :hug:
Thank you, my friend. I'm flattered.
roninbearz's avatar
;) Master of Flying...maybe? see new journal entry for fly too, I know we spoke of it many times.

Do you like Vivaldi? if so you might like this site [link] it's an amazing baroque orchestra... Europa Galante maybe you know of them?
Paula-Rosa's avatar
That is the most important, my friend. Flying is essencial.
Thank you so much, Bearz. Yes, I like Vivaldi, very much. I´ve never heard of Europa Galante but I will certainly check them out. ;)