Silfae's avatar
She was a Hutt slave for a third of her life (her egg being sold before she was born) and a Sith slave for a second third of it (reaching freedom only in adulthood), she was already abused since infancy and she grew up mostly learning the huttese way of life, thus it was natural for her once free to become a slaver (in her mindset a person can only either be slave or master, anything in between does just not make any sense at all). To this first point it has to be added that the second third and worst period of her life consisted in being enslaved to an old Sith Master who, at a certain point, raped her and reshaped her to have a child who he could teach to; the whole experience left her with a very deep misanthropy (in this case meaning both hatred for males in general and humans in particular). Since she still has needs and males are not a preferable option, since she was abused by her masters when she was a little girl and now she is a master, in her mind it's only natural raping children is the optimal way of satisfying her urges. It's payback, especially for other little girls; after all, why should they have it easy when Slaisa did not in her time?

Anyway they're only her favourite choice, mind you, she may just dislike mammals because of the hair or fur, but she's pretty much a sadist pansexual: she goes with everything she wants, as long as she has the upper hand to torture the other party, she even uses her octopi-like wardroids as sex toys or to impale her partner with one of their durasteel tentacles while humping it, in her way of "being the man" of the situation.

Considering that, in the game setting, she's been created as a counterpart for the more refined epic-level titanic villany of Sarrik, she's meant to be vile, petty and depraved, so yes, it is pretty disgusting.
Chinesegal's avatar
What if she met Kit fisto?
Silfae's avatar
Well, that's unlikely, she lives in the 70s ABY, he's long dead already; I suppose it wouldn't be appreciated anyway, other nautolans are more likely to be seen as rivals rather than favourable parties.
Chinesegal's avatar
But who would win in a fight?
Silfae's avatar
In a fair fight Kit Fisto; while she is Force Sensitive, she had no training and has no powers.