Comment on AT: Mazjojo by Rumi-Kuu

Suihara's avatar
whoaaaaaaa mazjojo tricked traded with you!! this looks so cool. now if only youd get a copy of the original stuff you just made a fanart of O_O
Suihara's avatar
wth how you even find out about this comment
Rumi-Kuu's avatar
LOL WHUt whut;;;Tricked!? Haha I feel like I shouldve put more unf to the pic but didn't know what @~@;; Oooh are the games in english?? Haha maybe I'll purchase a copy---unless you guys are still selling the previous released games--I'll try it!
Suihara's avatar
trust me you would lose all your blood if you do purchase copy. think more than just twice XDDDDDDD discouraging you to buy xDDDD /kicked by boss
Rumi-Kuu's avatar
HAHA!! Wow;; sounds very hardcore I bet!! OH oh! Just curious/// Does it include sound fx??///./slapped
Awww I actually havent played any BL visual novels before--though I want to try! Something different than regular R-18 ones! >^<///