Sarcastodon's avatar
I prefer it to the actual full-sized poster because of that sense of endlessness given to you by not even being able to see the top of the tree. I also thought the dragon in the full image was out of place in the benign yet intimidating tone of the thing. The half-image you have in the map is perfect, as it pushes the character a bit more into the corner, and centers on the tree and the herons. I need to find a way to make that a wall decoration.
HeartGear's avatar
Oh my gosh I so agree with you! When I found the full poster at first I was super excited, but yeah in showing the whole image it takes away from that overwhelming sense of awe you get from the cropped in image. Also, the cropped in image has (pretty much) all real things that really exist in nature.

Good luck making it into a wall decoration! It really would make a lovely piece. ^^
Sarcastodon's avatar
(Non-Sequitur to follow, please stay tuned)

I'm kind of surprised that you didn't make Calvin and Hobbes a larger part of your grid. One of the first things I noticed about Material Girl was the similarity not only in visual style, but in the ambiguity of the "realness" of the more unusual elements.