Comment on AT: Tsuzusa by Rumi-Kuu

Ephira's avatar
It's a very well-drawn picture, but I think the plaid on the girl's skirt is throwing me off. The lines should go with the skirt, instead of just up-and-down like they are. I understand why you'd do it that way, (plaid is hard -_-) but it just seems to throw off the whole picture, and doesn't really seem up to your standard of work.
Rumi-Kuu's avatar
Ah yeah I dont practice enough plaid _ノ乙(、ン、)_;; Haha but thank you for the critique! I'll surely master it someday!!--oneday-not today;;./dies
Ephira's avatar
^_^ No problem. Your art is at a higher level than mine is, lol, so I'm probably not one to talk, but I didn't mean it as a criticism, more just a constructive note :heart: