Comment on Gypsy Bard by verypen

Morningstar-1337's avatar
Can you tell me how you did that?
verypen's avatar
With magic!! Evil Gypsy Magic!!
Morningstar-1337's avatar
LOL. but seriously how did you do that. I'm try to find a way to Photoshop ponies into spheres with GIMP
verypen's avatar
Oh! Well, I actually just drew all of it in Paint Tool SAI. on a layer behind the pony, make the sphere.
On a layer above the pony, make a couple little shiny reflections on top of the pony.

On yet another layer, color over it sloppily and blur the edges with the color you need (I used cyan for this one), and set the layer setting to "Overlay" and lower the transparency.
Morningstar-1337's avatar
By the way did you think up this on your own of did you use a tutorial. because I need help knowing how to make the reflections. *facepalm*
verypen's avatar
I just kind of made it on my own... But here, I made you a tutorial, kinda! I hope it helps: [link]