SuperSaiyajin4Vegeta's avatar
Vegeta's just looking at him like "Shut the fuck up."
MarkWilder's avatar



:iconthehulkplz::iconsaysplz:"HULK SMASH PUNY-"


:iconvegeta-plz: (bitch slaps the Hulk into outer space)


:iconvegeta-plz::iconsaysplz:"Where was I? That screaming made me lose my train of thought-"


:iconvegetaplz::iconsaysplz:"What the... He  survived that!?"


:iconvegeta-plz::iconsaysplz:"I suppose it doesn't matter. He's not coming down anytime soon."

DanielJHowe's avatar

lets redo that

:Hulk Revenge: :hulk smash puny
vegetafap : (bitch slaps hulk though a building
:Hulk Revenge: :(hulk beats him like an rag doll then bear hugs him)
vegetafap (flys to out out space and barly breaks his grip he then goes ssj4 and uses alot of power to fly into his gut)
:Hulk Revenge: :hulk vomits tons of blood then hulk lets out an mighty helpless roar but cannot hear it in the vacume of space) RRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRR!
vegetafap (vegeta consumed by anger punchs the shit out of hulk in his face and hulks face looks messed up, but vegeta is not finished, he then uses all his power to charge into hulks chest *hulks chest bone is cracked*
:Hulk Revenge: :(hulk roars so loudly vegeta hears it)
vegetafap :(vegeta goes ssj god and pulls of hulks head and throws t to the sun and throws hulks body aswell
:Hulk Revenge: :(hulk is getting hotter and hotter
vegetafap :(vegeta now uses an kamehameha and blast a hole through hulks chest
:Hulk Revenge: :(hulk is not dead but is in EXTREME agony and its getting worse and worse as it comes closer to the sun and his whole body becomes flat as an panckae and a pool of blood is in space, then hulk gets incinerated by the sun.

and that is how it would happen

but if hulk keeps vegeta on the ground vegeta is destroyed