Comment on VS Nero Valken by byrch

Eldr-Fire's avatar
WOW. I cannot believe it! This is fantastic! The arbok is SO well done. I love the head and angle of the part that fans out behind the head. (Don't know the name!) Niabi also looks really cool. You did a great job of conveying the fear, and it matches very well what happened in the story. I love how we're caught right here in the action when she starts using Aromatherapy. There's so much going on in this picture and it's so cool!

The background is very atmospheric. I really like it! I definitely hit "Download" for the full effect. The trees really contribute, and I like the more faded part of the ground in the distance.

I also really like the story. The image of Atael playing the shamisen in the fall forest while drinking tea with Nero was really special. I thought you had great evocative language for the fall. My suggestion for your writing is to continue to think about sentence fluency. It was such a great story. I can tell it's your style! One of my other favorite parts was when Niabi sniffs Crow Scare. It was a unique setting for a Pokémon battle that I had never imagined before! I also really like the calmness of the battle, and the lack of animosity between the two trainers and Pokémon.

byrch's avatar
This is such an awesome comment, thanks!

The fan out part is called a hood, like in cobra (which, if you spell backwards with a k, is arbok 0_0) I'm glad I got the expressions right and that it feels actiony (is that a word?) and isn't static.

I'm so glad you like the background, it took the longest.

Thanks for the feedback of the writing. Can you give me a bit more detail on fluency?