FotoFurNL's avatar
Well, I would not recommend anyone to go swimming or have a nice tea-party in the rain, but a few drops of water or a little snow doesn't do any damage :) Just make sure to ALWAYS clean and brush the fur after every outing! That'll keep it nice and fuzzy.

Side note: Only if the fur is "Air-brushed" water is reaaalllllly bad! (Air-brushed is something like special spray-paint)
Tychoaussie's avatar
Mine's all airbrushed. Tycho started out as a big white suit and all color was added. Since I've found it difficult to do anything less than two hours in-suit, I sweat & drink water pretty heavily, and I've run the suit through the wash machine once already. It didn't do any discernable damage to the airbrush work. All I did was turn it inside out, use a non-scented laundry soap without whiteners, and use the cold wash, gentle cycle. I then air-dried it in the sun on a rack.

I brushed it twice during the drying process and it looks like new. Water is probably less toxic to a suit than dried-on salty sweat & oil residue, I would think.
Elemental-Raven's avatar
Oh, that's nice to know. XD Someone told me even the smallest bit of water or snow is bad for fursuits. XD And I should remember to get a gentle brush when I get my fursuit then. XD And I know what air-brushed means. I've seen a tutorial on how someone air brushed some ears from white to speckles black rimmed kind of akbfvaekvgbae. XD