Comment on Iron state by FotoN-3

Delorean7's avatar
This is epicness x 51.
I write stories, but this picture has a story behind it already:

She ground her teeth in pain as grabbed hold of the final rock, mentally telling herself the same thing over and over.

"Don't look down"

She took in a deep breath, raising her other arm and grabbing the rock with both hands. Using all her remaining strength, she pulled her weakened body up onto the ledge, her numb fingers painstakingly digging into the frozen earth. She sighed in relief as she fell forward, landing face first in the snow, her hot tears rolling down her cheeks and melting the snow it landed on. She squinted as a bright light briefly blinded her, causing her to sit up in the snow. A large, metal generator rested in the snow in front of her, flashing a combination of blue and red, illuminating the snow around her. Her vision trailing upward, she gasped at the sight of the colossal building further up the mountain, a total of six docking bays pointing outwards in the direction she had came from. Covering her mouth, she let out a sob of happiness, more tears streaming down her cheeks, onto her red and black ensemble, and finally, down onto the snow.

She'd made it.
