Comment on reaching by HeatherBomb

ArdorInferi's avatar
So, Im sitting here looking for pictures of people reaching. Ive got this idea in my head and I could use some inspiration maybe a bit of refrence for hands and shizzle. Then I see this, and I think to myself, "Aww, thats pretty." And of course I am mushy and draw the winged female saving the male myself, gotta start somewhere before I reach that awe-inspiring phase of art, right? Back to the point, I read your artist comments and I am blown away. Fucking great. The art itself is pretty but you dont get to taste the genius until you read the desc.
HeatherBomb's avatar
i am no stranger to sarcasm, sir!
haha, i have a habit of not including anything useful in my descriptions, sorry about that.
ArdorInferi's avatar

Your descriptions and titles made my day. "Rope rhymes with Awsome".