Hax09's avatar
I haven't read 'The Secret Crusade' yet. Although I have read Renaissance and Brotherhood which feature Ezio's adventures in ACII and Brotherhood. The book is slightly different (only slightly) but I'll give 'The Secret Crusade' a read as well soon.

What I am currently reading is a book called Alamut. This is apparently the book that Assassin's Creed and Prince of Persia where based on. I've never played Prince of Persia before so I wouldn't know but Assassin's Creed is very similar to this book. The characters of Altair and Al-Mualim are very close in resemblance to the characters of Alamut. I can't wait to see how more similarities between the book and the game.

Connor is actually my least favourite Assassin. His whole attitude was very off-putting. I didn't like how shut off he was and how little he cared about anything but his own gain. He never really cared much for the Creed. Only for his people and his own means. Haytham is a great character. I thought they did really well with him. If only he wasn't a Templar then things might have been different. :(

What's confusing me about this new character Edward is how he fits into this whole Assassin's set up. I'm willing to forget that he's a pirate. But doesn't his son Haytham grow up to be a Templar? How is it that his father is an Assassin and he is a Templar? (and further down the line his son Connor is an Assassin) It's all very confusing. Ubisoft should have thought it through a bit more.

Oh and your English is perfect. I couldn't even tell you made any mistakes. :)
reichan79's avatar
"Oh and your English is perfect. I couldn't even tell you made any mistakes."
You're too kind :D

I'm a book lover. Sometimes I've got a huge problem when I have to choose between book and game because I don't have time for both. I read all books from the series, no sorry, I can't get AC: Forsaken. Anyway The Secret Crusade is the best from the series and I don't think Forsaken would be better.
You made me curious with the book Alamut. The problem is I'll have to order it from England and read in English. It's not a big problem but I think that without dictionary I won't understand it fully. Well if it's worth it, why not :)

Connor at the beginning was egoist but at the end he changed his vision of the world (I think). But the truth is that (in my opinion) he's not real Assassin. He didn't take an oath, he had no idea about the Creed, about his ancestors (he doesn't have any vision of Altair, Ezio or Desmond), there's no brotherhood, only bunch of random people from the street, without proper training (because who trained them?), and there wasn't hideout. AC III is like side story.

Edward must have been terrible father, that's why his son become Templar (this is my theory lol). But seriously, from what I read Edward is not an Assassin, he was trained by Assassin but never become one of them. So Haytham choose his own way (someone who read the book wrote that Haytham saw death of his father maybe Assassin killed him because he compromise the brotherhood). I think Connor becomes the Assassin only because Achilles trained him everything could be different if Haytham become tutor of Connor.
Hax09's avatar
Alamut is supposed to be a really great book. Not just because of it's link with Assassin's Creed but on it's own it serves as a very interesting read. I can't fully recommend it to you because I haven't finished it yet so I don't know if it's earned it's praise and high rating. Once I finish it then I'll know for sure. But so far it's been really interesting to read. I can start to see how and where certain characters would have been influenced and who fits in where between the book and the game.

It's true what you say about Connor. He wasn't a true Assassin. You NEVER hear about his link with Altair and/or Ezio. (Although it must have existed somehow because Desmond was able to view the memories) He doesn't even respect the Creed properly. He needed to pay Achilles more respect but didn't. And as you mentioned, recruits almost didn't exist. Just people off the street. It felt as though only one man (Achilles) was promoting the Assassin's. The rest of the time it was Templars vs. The Natives vs. The British.

I liked Haytham. It was quite a shock when they killed him off earlier than expected. I always thought he'd be the final enemy. Wasn't even sure how they'd handle his situation with him being the main character's father and Head Templar at the same time.
My favourite moment in ACIII was when it was revealed that Haytham was a templar all along. It was all very cleverly done because when you look back at it not ONCE do they mention Assassin's or Templars. You simply assume it's Assassins. Maybe Haytham chose the Templar way as a sign of defiance against the group who killed his father (Assassin's)
reichan79's avatar
What you said about Alamut before was enough to convince me that the book is good. I'll check if it's only good or very good by myself (of course I must buy it on the first place) :). I promise I won't be mad if it turns out only good :D.

About Connor. I figure it out when I wrote the previous replay. I wasn't thinking about him in this way before but when I add two and two together everything become clear... He's not an assassin :). You've got your part in these conclusions.
For now I've got one more conclusion, only Altair and Ezio were truly Assassins.

"My favourite moment in ACIII was when it was revealed that Haytham was a templar all along. It was all very cleverly done because when you look back at it not ONCE do they mention Assassin's or Templars. You simply assume it's Assassins."

Now I have to say that it's amazing. You put into words what I've got in my mind. This was my favorite moment too. I even react like Desmond. I was in shock; I was sitting with half mouth open and looking in the TV like idiot. I thought I misunderstood something but when I start thinking clearly my mind acknowledge what I saw.
What I hate the most is the moment when Connor killed Haytham. In this moment I was thinking about one hundred ways of killing Connor and I found out that none of them will satisfied me.
Hax09's avatar
Okay then. You promised not to be mad ! :D

Yeah I saw the scene and thought "okay so he's being initiated into the Assassin's Order" and then I heard their oath and I thought for a while that this doesn't sound very Assassin-like. Then there was something about "enlightenment" and "one-world-rule" and I was like "oh no no no wait this can't be who I think it is..."

Yeah I was in quite a shock and in denial over Haythams death too. I thought that there's no way they'd kill him. Maybe he's alive in the next scene. Maybe Connor imagined the whole thing. Maybe he's playing dead. HAHA! The excuses were endless. I think a part of me always thought that Haytham and Connor would work out their differences. And one or the other would put aside their allegiance and join the other side. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. I was also sad to hear Haytham go out with full loyalty towards the Templars. He made no emotional speech or any sort of sentimental gesture towards his son. He died strongly believing his cause. I thought this was both a sad thing for the story but also a great move for his character development. He's always been this strong character who believed in the Templars. It's good they didn't change that fact in the end.
reichan79's avatar
You can trust me on this :)

The beginning of the game was a big surprise for everyone. It's good that Ubisoft can still surprise the players. I also have hoped to play more with this character but the main protagonist (unfortunately) is Connor.

The most unfair from Ubisoft was that the player must push the button to kill Haytham. I didn't want to do this but I want to go further with the game. It's a big waste to kill such character. He was so strong character in the game, full of confidence, committed to the case. "Because I said so" few simple words but in his mouth it sounds like command. He was brilliant. I think that if we have the occasion to know him better he has a big chance to become even better Assassin than Altair. He just chooses the wrong side.