pearwood's avatar
Beautiful work as she muscles her way through old man winter.
zulumike's avatar
Thank You.

I actually shot this on a calm winter day in Jan, 2012 while it was switching cars. Through art I have made it into a "powerhouse".
pearwood's avatar
A combination of scenes, I am sure.

I've spent enough time in the lands of horizontal snow to know the feel. :-)
zulumike's avatar
The only change was adding a new sky BG. The original sky was a bright blue clear day. I wanted a more subdue sky. Added snow turbulance, textured the engines etc. using Gimp.
I like to "dirty" the objects I do, to give a feel of working and everyday use.

Working with snow is very similar to working with water and waves. I customizes my brushes, started digital art about three years ago at ( aviation art).