lapaa's avatar

ah yeah, it's really hard but alwkerj ; 3; also really fun too aha
I never even thought of painting on shoes like the ones you did! that's awesome!

Yeah, the book and teaching a digital art class so some students at my school can be in the book aha :0)) Thanks! It's going pretty well so far, I think .. ! Just need to keep at it X0)
justi-adopts's avatar
Thank you so much!!

I really painted those more out of necessity that plain desire. Mary Jane's are hard to find, I bought two black pairs at a re-sale shop and needed a pair to match a dress. The biggest pain was all my brushes are under half an inch. It took FOREVER!

So are you a student teacher? Or are you an assistant? (I'm sorry if I'm being too personal, your project seems interesting.) It's neat thet your including students. I almost got kicked out of the only art class I took in high school (I drew too many dragons, apparently...)
lapaa's avatar
Oh, aha, I understand how that is! XD Well honestly, they're SUPER cute, so I'm glad you needed them! ;0)
AH RIGHT?! I recently bought a fairly large-ish set of brushes and some of them are pretty big :0D it was like the 'miscelaneous brushes no one wants' but for $5 so I'm like YESSS

I'm a student! :0) A senior in high school. But I'm going to be teaching a digital art class after school for a few weeks pretty soon! To graduate seniors have to do a senior project, so I just decided to go all out on mine XD and don't worry, it's not too personal c:
:0c awh, no... there are so many seriously bad art teachers, I'm SO lucky to have mine.. it's aweful when art teachers let their personal taste get in the way of their teaching...

hey I dunno if you like watching streams or anything, but I'm about to stream a chibi if you want to watch and chat :0) [link]
justi-adopts's avatar
I tend not to buy bigger brushes because most of what I paint is miniatures, and I don't like feeling like I'm wasting money. I could spend five dollars though...

Oh wow! I would have thought you were older; your stuff looks almost professional. My high school got digital art classes the year after I graduated, so I've really got no experience with it at all. It's a little frustrating seeing everyone younger than me who's so good at it.

My teacher was really good, he's had shows at MoMa, been invited to design pieces for shows in galleries in Houston, won international contests. His whole deal was expanding our horizons and skills, and apparently dragons three times a week wasn't expansive enough for him.

I love streams!! I'm there!
lapaa's avatar
Yeah, it was awesome! $5 for a pretty good sized set! I'd say maybe 20 different brushes, all kinds of sizes and wow...

AH THANK YOU! This is such a compliment to me ! ; u; <3
My computer graphics class was all photo manipulation but that was fun too ; u; and it taught me a little bit about photoshop filters and things I'd never played with before ! thoughidon'tusephotoshopalmosteveranymore ;;;
:iconiya-chen: is like 13 or 2 or something. //notactually2butshe'sveryyoung

OH WOW ! that's awesome O_O
I can see that I guess, though dragons can be fun
my teacher can be like that too - if you're not trying new things, you're not growing I guess ..
though sometimes all we want is dragons ! ;c I guess they probably feel like they can't successfully teach the way they know how if you're unwilling to "cooperate" maybe?
ah that's the thing with art though, it's not math or english or science, it's so hard to teach and learn and grade and everything ..

AH YAY! :0D Thanks so much I get lonely when no one comes to them ; u;
justi-adopts's avatar
I need that...

Wow. I did my own senior pictures with a Photoshop Elements trial, so I didn't get to use all the fun filters... I can imagine it takes some getting used to, but it was fun while it lasted.

I always want dragons, yo! He told me that in order to keep doing dragons, every piece would have to be in a different medium so I was like "Nope, doin' somethin' else." By the end of they ear I had so many different things in so many different mediums (he won out on that one in the end) that he couldn't decide which ones to use for the student show so he put half my stuff in the schools admin building and the rest at the museum, after which it was transferred to the community art guild building (except for the ones that broke...)

I know! It's like how do you grade that? Technical skill without vision? Vision without skill? Personal improvement? Standard of beauty? It must be annoying; my teacher let us grade ourselves (another part of the reason I almost failed).

Streams are so much fun! Especially when there's innuendo involved.