Comment on Favor The Bold by overseer

thelastgunslinger23's avatar
Awesome as always, keep it up.
And the Quote from "The Charge of The Light Brigade" fits perfectly.
overseer's avatar
Thanks, I'll try. And yes, it does; I figured I should at least quote it since O'Brien and Bashir did in the episode. :shrug:
thelastgunslinger23's avatar
I didn't happen to catch that particular Episode Unfortunately, but it was probably pretty Good.
overseer's avatar
It's early season 6. "Favor The Bold" and "Sacrifice Of Angels" I think they're called. I think the last episodes of season 5 and the first 6 or 7 of season six kinda tie together in a larger single story arch. They're really not bad. First time really you saw huge fleets assembled on screen in Star Trek like that as I recall.