Digimon02's avatar
Indeed.  I also believe He didn't drink fermented wine.  He wouldn't be God in the flesh if He did, know what I mean?
Queen-of-Ice101's avatar
Yeah, I definitely agree that Jesus wouldn't have gone around drinking straight fermented wine. 

You know, I've never actually thought about the Jesus drinking wine thing before now. I mean, I've heard the arguments and everything but I've never personally looked into it because it never really caught my interest until now. 

I found the research and hearing your view of this really interesting, thank you for indulging my inner debator^_^
Digimon02's avatar
No problem.  I like being able to talk or "debate" with people who don't let their feelings get in the way, and start lambasting me, trying to convince me that I am wrong for believing what I believe.  It matters none to me if the person doesn't believe what I believe; it's not about trying to prove how right I am.  My hope is to win people to Christ through His wisdom.  If people just want to talk and keep things general, fine.  No skin off of my back.  If a person has a question about something, or if something they said is questionable, I'll engage them in conversation, again not to prove how right or wrong one of us are, but basically to prove the bible right