JeongW's avatar
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK SO MUCH!! ♡ !!!!!!
JeongW's avatar
Umm.. I have a problem arises. Can I put my novel title in your drawing? And many some effect..
Of coures I put your name too! So.. My novel title and some effect →(put) Your darwing! 
And other person can use this picture too? I'll give it. Sorry to have difficult you.
Bludy-chu's avatar
no problemo : )
and the other persone can use as long as they don't sell it lol just credit is requested ♥
JeongW's avatar
Of course I am.Nod   Thank you Love Love :happybounce: :happybounce: 
JeongW's avatar
Oh I say thank you so much..