kuronekochan14's avatar
That's why I'm preparing myself~! Nothing is harder than to lose the ones you love because of a stupid virus cell in your body...
But as an athlete, the only times you get Gold are much less than the times you ever get silver, bronze, or nothing at all. But I think the people that get up even after being discouraged are the strongest ones, and the ones that accept loss are the ones with the greatest mental stance (y)
I thought after being accepted to train for World Championships at the age of 14 it would mean privileges, respect, and let's face it, swag, but I think I cried more than I smiled in the beginning. I enjoy it much more now, but I think I learned that if you're going to the hard path, you really need to prepare yourself.

Haha... I have no idea how I'm going to endure the hard work part (I'm a pretty laid back kid), but hey, if I've gone against the odds once I sure as hell can do it again! :D
I hope the best for you in the future! And maybe I shall see you one day!
Lintu47's avatar
I love your attitude and i hope you will be strong enough to do what you wish in the future! And congrats on your athletic career :heart:
kuronekochan14's avatar
Thank you so much QAQ :heart: