sleepyowlet's avatar
Jar-Jar Binks. That tongue... think about it... :lol:
ToaTepsak's avatar
(screams) THAT is TERRIFYING to think about!!! Ugh...nothing personal to him, I like Jar Jar but...EEEEWW!!! Creepy!! :D
sleepyowlet's avatar
I can soooo picture it...

"Oh, Ani! Yousa dead! Mesa help!"

Meanwhile two Force-spirits are watching the scene...
"Why so glum, Anakin?"
"You would be too, if you had to watch Jar-Jar Binks desecrate your corpse."

ToaTepsak's avatar
lolol SOOO FUNNNYYY... :squee: Consider drawing it?
The thought of Anakin's face as he watches this is just too good.. :w00t: