luner-tigher's avatar
ok I'll do the right.
luner-tigher's avatar
ok so how do you want to do it.
Aetherya's avatar
Hmm... Do you have account in an image sharing site like Photobucket? If so, you can send me your finished side and I can put them together. Or I can send you my finished side and you can put them together. :hmm:
luner-tigher's avatar
i go on photobucket just not in a long while i just need to remember my password for it so you can go first since i can do anything else until Wednesday since Tuesday is my b-day and i want to do other things that day.
Aetherya's avatar
I can send you my finished side and then you can put it up, if you want to do that. :3
luner-tigher's avatar
ok sure that seems fine to me.