innerviki's avatar
I always go much deeper than just the surface of your art
but this time I l completely lost myself in this picture...

I am not a big fan of blues, though I like some old songs of this music genre.
The point is...
Music is surrounding me all the time, I can say that lt's a part of me because without it, my life would be some kind of unbearable pointless existence
For me Music is not just a wave of sounds but a FLOW OF FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS
and it's not just songs but stream murmuring and leaves rustling in the wind, birds singing, people talking, laughing...
without it the world would seem such a 'numb thing' , having no idea about friendship, love, soul communion... just LIFELESS
furthermore Music it has this healing power and brings peace to a restless spirit

there were days in my life when I sat with my eyes closed and smoking a cigarette, feeling like such a failure,
listening to some songs most people find depressing, but in fact, they are completely opposite..
I was like this moon you've drawn, drowning in some memories, tears falling from my eyes,
this moon I look at is not sad, but rather TOUCHED, melting hearing a wonderful melody...
listening to this 'depressing-like' sounds feels for me as getting rid of some sadness in fact,
emotional luggage abandoning me, thrown out from my soul with these tears and..well I'm not sure if this can be called 'catharsis', but
after listening something which touched me deeply, I always feel an unearthly peace of mind..

I have my favourite musicians and 'I drink the tasty water from the waves of their music'
just as the swans you've drawn...
and 'I feed myself with notes, enjoying the taste of every single sound' :music:
the best 'food' I can imagine for my soul :heart:
AquaSixio's avatar
I think you understand why my favorite element is " water ", I feel, like you, conected emotionally with music, a flow of feeling crossing over my soul.

I don't listen to a lot of blues artists, but causually there is something in this style of music I feel really chiming with =)

Thank you for sharing another point of view about one of my artwork =)
innerviki's avatar
you know what I like about blues?
this music is the truth about life, pure REALISM
I suppose it's also the reason why some people hate it...
there's no place for illusions, fantasy or kitsch
to write a song of this genre, an artist must open himself like a book and let others read everything as it is written... not hiding anything which is inconvenient
some kinds of music can separate its listeners from life and problems,
in contrary, this one is all about it :)

I can assure You that I will be a frequent guest in your gallery...
hope you like to read :D