DreamCrew's avatar
Like you said "miracle", 6 years (I think), is just you know the ending of TT, was kinda "not enough". But you know Deviantart gave me some good time, in fact is giving me good time, knowing that I was not the only one who have a straight opinion about TT return. Now we just have to wait TTG, maybe we can get a surprise!. If they make season 6, what do you think it will be about?. Just you know curiosity XD
kittycakez's avatar
Yeah, 6-7 years? Something like that.

Honestly? I don't know. I guess what left me unsettled the most was Red X, I just want to know who he is, why he stole the suit and such. That, and maybe exploring the other Titans' pasts more. I don't think they'd have much more than that to go on. :shrug:
DreamCrew's avatar
Well, I think it will be why Terra is back?, why she can't remember or why she does not want to remember?, and like you said Red X is still out there, and Slade is still alive, they have good material if you ask me.
kittycakez's avatar
I think she's purposely ignoring her past, to start anew.

Yeah, they've got about enough material to last maybe a season, though.
DreamCrew's avatar
*I'm not the only one who have...