deathtoner's avatar
who do i have to kill for this?
DeadHeartMare's avatar
That's the beauty of it! You don't have to kill ANYPONY! You too can have your own totally awesome DJ PON3 Laptop Hugger for just the eensy price of your soul! *er!* $40! hehe, just the $40 will do, plus shipping costs & whatnot, please lemme know if you'd like to be added to the commissions list for one ^_^
deathtoner's avatar
how long is the commission list (about how long would i be waiting) because i would be happy to purchase one of these
DeadHeartMare's avatar
ATM I have at least 5 commissions that are prepaid so I hafta get those done 1st, I could bump you to the next slot right after that, it may be 3-4 weeks from now that I could get to it, maybe less, 3-4 weeks is a very rough estimation. Let me know if that's ok & thanks so much for the interest!
deathtoner's avatar
Oh, yeah, that is perfect, i was worried it would actually be too soon, but 3 or 4 weeks is definitely a good time frame for me