AbandonedZone's avatar
I'm not a fan but I liked your picture :) I read comic books a long time ago. Now I take photos ;-) Even I don't have time for play games :)
Sol4rpleXus's avatar
Well it's not a book, it's a webcomic... [link]
Hey I take pictures too, except I don't have high quality equipment and might not live in a big city where there's a lot to see, but the stuff I use for my edits are all stock-photos I took on journeys. :)
I'm not a gamer either, but I am fascinated by some of them, like Half Life. You could say I play a videogame once every... 2 weeks? But the problem is that they just take so much time away. Time I rather invest in working on art.
AbandonedZone's avatar
Thanks for the information about webcomic. I agree with you about games, i have the same problem with time :) I prefer to take pictures :) Cheers :)