Aki-rain's avatar
She can use her wings as hands for some very basic things, like a person would hold something in two hands, but beyond that she has almost no control because of her feathers replacing fingers. Sometimes she does use her feet for hand-like things, because her toes are long and somewhat dextrous, but only when it's important, since it can look rather weird.
AuPlauSe's avatar
Why can't she have hands like this? images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__c…
Aki-rain's avatar
I've never seen that before, and in spite of my anime style I tend to lean more toward realism in terms of concepts, so I'd rather just have her have either wings or hands and not a mix. Some cartoonists such as the one above do use wing-hands, but I've never understood quite how it works. And I've established Acantha enough with her uncoordinated wings so that it would be odd if I suddenly did change it on the off-chance that I figured something out. I still have a good memory of her struggling to eat a cupcake at a party... xD
AuPlauSe's avatar

What if I roleplayed with you so that Acantha can learn to use her wings as hands again?

Aki-rain's avatar
She never knew to begin with, and there wouldn't be much of a way to learn because feathers just don't work the same way fingers do. It's like asking my parakeet to pick up a cup of coffee with his wings.
AuPlauSe's avatar
I was thinking of creating a special equipment to equip on Acantha's wings so that they can be her new hands. is that a good idea?
Aki-rain's avatar
If it's not too heavy. :D She'd probably like to still be able to fly.
AuPlauSe's avatar
Don't worry. It is not too heavy. It is in fact made of the same aluminum used to make airplanes.