ninth-deviant's avatar
Excelent work, and I love the choice of colours and shading.

However, (Isn't there always a but?) I find the wing somehow off balance? Not sure if that is the right wording. Particular as the dragon is kind of vertical, it seems to me that with wings in that position, it would tople over to the front.

As to the arm? It does look a bit odd to me, and possibly just needs some "beefing" on the forearm, to not make it look tubular. Also just above the elbow. Muscles in my mind are more "flowing" and rounded, not flat tubular.

That said, it is not enough to distract from the overall feeling, which I think is great. I get this feeling of awe, with the galazy in its infancy. Makes one kind of feel small....

Please note that these are my perceptions, and not intended to criticize, but rather give you feedback on my impressions. I wish I was half as artistic as you, as I am a moron when it comes to artistic expression. But I do appreciate art and love to see people's views of things.