midnightsun-07's avatar
Yes :) I remember being inspired by those chapters during the midair battle against Gopher :icononionsmileplz:
MakenMeister's avatar
Cool! :D Although I'm afraid that I've only watched the anime and... Volume 8 or so of the manga? I mean, I know about the Grigori Soul (thanks internet -_-), yet I don't know who Gopher is yet.

Sounds cool, though, and quite a cool inspiration :D I look forward to getting to that part :)
midnightsun-07's avatar
Oh, in that case I will not spoil anymore than that, hehe ;P
I had a blast reading those chapters although I am not the biggest fan of Gopher myself...he is...special, to say the least ^^'
MakenMeister's avatar
Thank you :) And no problem; I don't feel like you've spoiled anything too major to me. If it helps, I'm up to the part where Kid finds out that someone called 'M' took the Book he was looking for and... Well, I'm dying to know who it is >_<  And now I'm wondering what Gopher's like... Ah well; more to look forward to, I guess :D