darkside-ky's avatar
Also, just my opinion on fanart but:

Diversity keeps things fresh. If you're one of those artists who keeps drawing the same character, I guess it's okay if that's your passion, but some people might lose interest in what you do. That also includes genre-passionate-artists. If all you draw is love scenes, custom characters, cookie cutter types, tracing copy-cat art, or the same style of art every day, it's going to get real old, real fast. It's okay to practice, but being genre-savvy and open to new ideas and concepts and techniques is also important.

Nowadays I see a lot of female artists drawing love scenes or shipping or pairings and that seems to be all they care about...but that sort of thing gets real stagnant and stale if you ask me. That also includes artists who only draw Poke'mon, Digimon, Guilty Gear, etc...Trying new things might be scary, but if you want to improve yourself as an artist, trying new ideas or art styles might help enrich your experiences.
JutaWi's avatar
I know what you mean :3
I have a project running (or two) that challenges me with all sort of stuff, might try a hand on scenery soon