IndigoSparkles's avatar
JAMMEH, can I blame you for my new obsession with gingers? xD
JammyScribbler's avatar
You can if you want to? xD And he's not technically ginger, it's meant to be more auburn but the quality got mutilated. But I must admit, I'm rather a fan of redheads myself~
IndigoSparkles's avatar
I never used to....but this is.....HGGGGNNNNNNN, what is happening to me :omg: Damn hawt gingers you draw *facepalm*
JammyScribbler's avatar
I promise I'm not trying to do it on purpose xD
I think I just have a hair fetish in general. I'd choose long hair over red hair, personally, but red hair is still gorgeous <3
IndigoSparkles's avatar
Personally I'm more into cropped dark hair, or maybe blond, as long as its fluffy xD
JammyScribbler's avatar
Nah, it'll always be floppy/long hair for me. I don't know why, I think I just like to play with it C:
IndigoSparkles's avatar
Long is fine if it's clean xD