IndigoSparkles's avatar
I never used to....but this is.....HGGGGNNNNNNN, what is happening to me :omg: Damn hawt gingers you draw *facepalm*
JammyScribbler's avatar
I promise I'm not trying to do it on purpose xD
I think I just have a hair fetish in general. I'd choose long hair over red hair, personally, but red hair is still gorgeous <3
IndigoSparkles's avatar
Personally I'm more into cropped dark hair, or maybe blond, as long as its fluffy xD
JammyScribbler's avatar
Nah, it'll always be floppy/long hair for me. I don't know why, I think I just like to play with it C:
IndigoSparkles's avatar
Long is fine if it's clean xD