d6triss's avatar
No, Nanaki's name is Nanaki... Son of Seto...
JJ4eva's avatar
They call him nanaki O.o play FFVII if you don't believe me, when you go to Red's town they say Nanaki has come back home when they talk about him =3
Morgoth883's avatar
Your talking to the pro here JJ, mind what your saying ;)
d6triss's avatar
oh sorry I thought you meant that the name of his town is Nanaki... I like naming him Nanaki at the beginning of the game and then later he goes "My name is Nanaki! Also known as Nanaki!"
Ayan-Laurel's avatar
I pretty much did the same thing when I named everyone in FF7 Sephiroth the conversations were hilarious 'Sephiroth, torched my home, slashed Sephiroth and killed Sephiroth I'll never forgive Sephiroth'. Or Tifa (Sephiroth's line) 'When we were in the life stream I thought I heard you call my name' 'I understand Sephiroth'
JJ4eva's avatar
Haha, never thought of that. I usually just shorten his name from Red XIII to Red
d6triss's avatar
childish laughs really but its funny the first time or three XD
JJ4eva's avatar
By saying first time or three, you mean everytime you start a new game?
d6triss's avatar
nah, everytime you get to the point where he introduces himself as Nanaki, also known as Nanaki XD