Comment on Wonder Women by kevinbolk

wargreymon1983's avatar
sorry, even though I understand that this was made to highlight some people but.... NO! wonder woman is meant to be presented as a beautiful GREEK goddess with long flowing lack hair and not with a fro (not trying to be racist, but trying to prove a point) plus if I wanted to get really technical WW is of Greek decent and I can ramble on and on about this but im not just saying WW is misrepresented
kevinbolk's avatar
Ignoring that you obviously didn't read the artist's comments, it must bother you immensely that Diana is usually drawn as a generic white girl in the comics, and that her costume style and color have almost no ties to Greek cultural traditions, and that everyone on Themyscira speaks english and not ancient greek etc etc.

And for future reference, if you have to say "not trying to be racist," you're probably saying something racist.
Freezer88's avatar
I have yet to see anyone precede a statement with "I'm not trying to sound racist" and not say something racist.
SailorKnightWing's avatar
First of all, that's not Wonder Woman, that's Nubia. Look her up.

Second, it's based on a pair of cosplayers he saw.

Third, most people cosplay outside their race. Why? Because most people in America cosplay as anime or manga characters, who are almost entirely of Japanese ethnicities.

Fourth, why the hell do you care?
nikovani's avatar
I think you're are being close minded, there are no rules to how people should present in idea in the world of art.