SameAsUsual's avatar
Maybe some tiny details, nothing that stands out when looking at the pictures.
But without miscontent, one can't improve, right? :)
MadPonyScientist's avatar
Well, I think I improve just because I make so many. I actually try to get rid of mine as soon as possible because when they are around me I start looking at the imperfections and get upset. We obviously see the defects more than others do and it just drives me nuts so I just move on the the next one as fast as possible :)
SameAsUsual's avatar
Yep, same here. Since we pretty much know every single shape of the figures we also know all their flaws. Problem is I never know where to draw the line of fixing them :)
MadPonyScientist's avatar
I guess it depends on what you want to do with the pony. If I were going to keep it I would probably not stop until it was near perfect but since i always end up selling them or giving them away I just keep at it until it is really good because the different in really good and near perfect is 3 or 4 times as many hours spent on it from my experience. I can spend 8 to 10 hours and make a pretty good pony but taking it to the next level is about 30 to 40 hours and when I sell them, people rarely want to spend the money on a 30 to 40 hour pony. Most people have a hard time spending more than $50 unless it is something unique.