Spinosaurus14's avatar
Oh, I see you are still sticking to the older reconstruction of argentinosaurus, why are you negating the more recent, brachiosaur-like reconstrution?
SameerPrehistorica's avatar
We don't have enough materials for argentinosaurus to know how it's body shape was like, isn't it ? So far it doesn't seem like there is enough proof that this animal having brachiosaur-like body. So i prefer to stick with this old reconstruction. Are you comparing this animal to Alamosaurus and Patagotitan ?
     Then again i saw few different reconstructions for Alamosaurus and Patagotitan having brachiosaur-like body and then the Salatasaurus-like body. Have you seen the reconstruction of Dreadnoughtus ?
Sometimes people create different reconstructions for a same animal as they have doubts. I did wanted to ask a question to a paleontologist about Alamosaurus having brachiosaur-like reconstrution.
Spinosaurus14's avatar
True true, I've already forgotten that dreadnoughtus doesn't even rempotely resemble a brachiosaurid.
Majestic-Colossus's avatar
The new ones are kind of like a mix of diplodocids, brachiosaurids and titanosaurs... I guess he's not following those references.