CaptShowtime's avatar
This looks amazing :o you're very know that?

Cuz you are :3
midnightfox1's avatar
thank you very much. i am somewhat talented but nowhere near the level i want to be. not that many people pay attention to traditional. i really want to be able to do digital.
CaptShowtime's avatar
Don't say you're somewhat becuz you are entirely and definetly talented. And I'm not saying that to be nice. I really do mean it.

I understand and feel the same. I take my crack at it, but I'm nowhere close to decent in digital. I've only done a couple pics. But practice is key *nods*
midnightfox1's avatar
it means alot to hear that. and i can do digital it is just that i am poor and it will be a long time till i can get the stuff to be able to do it. using a mouse drives me crazy. but thank you very much. people tell me i need to increase my confidence but i have a hard time doing that.
CaptShowtime's avatar
i understand how you feel*hugs* keep up the fantastic work~