BenWolstenholme's avatar
Hi Chrismar78, 

A lot of your comment here is very fair, we have taken longer than we'd like to get the Motion Book Tool into your hands... there is nothing untoward going on - we just want to make sure its in good shape - and robust when you use it. We (Madefire) have been publishing off it for 18 months years - refining as we go - learning how to improve it and constantly iterating. 

In terms of making money, our goal has always been - and remains - to make the Motion Book Tool free to creators. The way we intend to make money is to take a small proportion of any sales of Motion Books - that is IF you decide to charge for your Motion Book creation - that's up to you. We have had publishers using the system to establish what's possible and stress test it - again we've learnt and refined... 

I think we're taking a fundamentally different approach to other software producers; from an engineering perspective Our Motion Book tool is created in the browser (rather than a download for desktop) this makes it unique - it can be properly integrated into the dA online community, and people can build Motion Books together via browser... this is hard to 'tool'... on top of this as a group we're personally passionate about storytelling and publish on our own tools - we've built Madefire 'for creators'.

Probably enough information from me! 

My apologies this reply comes so late - we have been super focussed on building all things Motion Books but it is remiss of me not to have kept a keen eye on these comments personally.

Ultimately thank you for caring enough to urge us on! I hope you'll create an awesome Motion Book here very soon! 

Ben (co-founder Madefire)