Comment on Comm: Kida by ikr

Anomura's avatar
...OMG you draw food too? My life=complete. :love:

I think I like Umemi the best. I have to assume she's related to Kida because they both have the same two-colored eyes. Unless that's just really common in this universe...? Hey, a few of these girls have animal ears and horns, so rampant heterochromia is no big deal by comparison, lol.

Question: On Luna's forehead there is a black curving line. Is that part of her character design, or is that marking where shadows are supposed to go? Just wondering because it immediately jumped out at me and she seems to have less shadows on her face than the other characters. Sorry, probably a dumb question, but I'm curious. ^^;
kidao's avatar
It's actually Yumemi...the Y looks very faded though ^_^;;

Yes, her and Kida are related. And Luna's mark is part of the character design and she has really pale white skin =3
Anomura's avatar
Okay, thanks for the info! I don't know why I didn't see the Y in Yumemi. I saw the first letter in everyone else's names... ^^;
kidao's avatar
Yeah, I almost missed it myself to be honest. It's probably just how it's placed in the image. Easy to miss ^_^