Comment on HappyDerp by Blayaden

Metalscourge18ZX's avatar
i'm not to big in to ponies but i know my one friend really loves them great work on this
Blayaden's avatar
I understand that. I know not everyone is into the recent pony craze- so I keep them in their own separate folder, so a person viewing my "normal" works won't see them and be bothered.
Metalscourge18ZX's avatar
yeah that's a good idea
Blayaden's avatar
I try to avoid conflicts... "TRY" being the key word there. ^^;
Metalscourge18ZX's avatar
yeah conflicts are never a good thing i should know big conflict going on over youtube right now with sd neo zeon against the ponies but that's more of my fan fiction thing don't know why every one likes to pick on ponies maybe its because there a easy target? always the cute things that got to get attacked huh but theres alot of bronies out there to back the ponies up but with ponies and the internet its just one conflict after another too bad people can't get along
Blayaden's avatar
Thats what I keep asking...
Metalscourge18ZX's avatar
oh well best thing i do is stay out of fights and talk with my friends no need to get yourself all worked up over things like that