Chimcharlover13's avatar
I don't need more people telling me what to do and trying to make me listen to them. I'm not anyone's boss, and no one is the boss of me. I would appreciate it if everyone would just leave me alone and mind their own business and let's just forget everything that happened before.
Bowserboy129's avatar
The advice has nothing to do with what happened, it has to do with you.
Chimcharlover13's avatar
I don't need advice for myself. Don't really want it, either. A person can only take so much ridicule and "advice" about themselves before they crack and just become a hallow shell altogether. So, please, just bite your tongue. I know I'm far from perfect, but I don't my imperfections being constantly thrown in my face.
Bowserboy129's avatar
I didn't even bring up any of your imperfections nor did they have anything to do with the advice I may or may not give you.