junweise's avatar
Oh totally, I forgot that shadows, big corps =__=
theubbergeek2's avatar
and even here, they always win at end, generally. Canada is a paradise for mining corps to name a sector of the economy - the laws are old, making that the communauties have not much rights on underground riches, so as tales as Desjardins's 'Trou Story/Hole Story' shown... expropriations, poluated grounds, etc...
junweise's avatar
omg, in here the new govs make the new laws, ofc with the involvement from the corps. Once a protected forest, then became a money. Blinded by greed ಠ_ಠ
theubbergeek2's avatar
Lobbyism is a danger as more.. direct form of influences. And this is what happen paradoxally as you castrate by neoliberalism the state. The market move to eitheir act free as heck, or insidiously come in to seize control.

The Harper men are a good example, castrating some environemental laws and agencies. Shutting down. Cutting funds. Retiring from international treaties. Etc.
Fancy seeing you here Anarchopanda.
theubbergeek2's avatar
I must say, I am not him, I just liked that symbol. He's an epic dude.