AleximusPrime's avatar
I don't know exactly how that works but it is obvious that anything you put on the web can and more likely WILL be found and seen by at least one person. And of course the government has very good hackers on their side so if they want to see a person's private info, they can do it.

Though I do understand that it must feel weird for some people to know they are being watched. I of course have nothing to worry about because I'm no terrorist and I don't do dangerous stuff on the web to begin with. I may be displeased with they way they handle things these days but I still trust the government with my info more than anyone else on the internet as long as they don't misuse their power and break my constitutional rights.
batosan's avatar
Quote.." I still trust the government with my info more than anyone else on the internet as long as they don't misuse their power and break my constitutional rights." Well...You may not like this but..Your constitutional rights can be waived at any time due to the "Patriot Act".. and as former Military I know this to be true. It only takes an investigation to insinuate some form of wrongdoing and your "Rights" go straight to hell! I've survived a couple OSI investigations that involved just being a friend of someone who was "A person of interest"! Nothing is sacred and you are not innocent until proven guilty....Not trying to be paranoid..But trust is not something I will attribute to the Government both Military and Civilian..It was amazing the crap they pulled out of "Records" to question my relationship to my friend. Nuff said.
AleximusPrime's avatar
Well if I am a terrorist and am doing dangerous acts then yes, that is where my rights don't matter, but I'm obviously not a terrorist.'re saying you were actually investigated just because you knew someone they felt suspicious of? O.o
batosan's avatar
Thats the military way....They look at everybody and everything, and if they can't make a case.....well they just look more! I hope the civilian world does not come to that...but the rule has been .....Hope in one hand, poop in the other, and see which fills first! hehehehehehehe