EdenianPrince's avatar
Wouldn't you say that what you described is Egalitarianism? 
Tandenfee's avatar
Wouldn't you say that what I described is description?

I know that there is a word for it, but ever thought that the word egalitarianism might not fit that well in a stamp? And the first rule in life is that you shouldn't make it all too complicated for your audience, because people don't want to put that much effort in thinking. A scenario like 'what is egalitarianism? I'll just go and grab a dictionary so I know what this stamp means' - is not going to happen.
EdenianPrince's avatar
"Equalist" just seems...unnecessary. 
Tandenfee's avatar
I'm glad that you think your opinion makes a difference here.
EdenianPrince's avatar
Truth, would be the term. 
It isn't an opinion. 
Tandenfee's avatar
And that is your opinion.

'it seems' = an impression of/someone's understanding = not an exact truth.
EdenianPrince's avatar
It isn't, the term you should have used it "Egalitarian".