Comment on A New Fate by khallion

SonicSailorKeyblade's avatar
Yeah, Merida. Soon you go on a 10 minute adventure, then suddenly you r transported manymanymanyMANY years later and find urself in another life by the name of Amy Pond, with a husband named Rory Williams, go on crazy adventures fighting robots+aliens from different times and universiesz, um..., oh yeah, meet a 'Sweetie' named River Song who u will find out later to b ur DAUGHTER u never knew till then, and then u time lapse into her book and fall off a building after being chased by the Weeeping Statue of Liberty herself with Rory and causing a total Paradox to u and him, leaving a note saying there u r as a young girl, waiting outside her home in a night dress with rain boots.
All for a MAD MAN IN A BLUE BOX WHO ADORES BOWTIES AND IS CRAZY IN LOVE WITH UR DAUGHTER(and the TARDIS)! Did I sum up ur pic well or what?! :) ha. Sry GUILTY /^~*\ btw, great pic. R u whovian? Anywho, awesome match! ^*^ fave 2 u!