PlagueDoctor1997's avatar
I'm not sure, did she really kill him? It shows him getting electrocuted, but it never says that she killed Flesh -Stick. That chair she sat him in covers him after the mission is complete. I think Tina is keeping him alive, so to torture him for as long as possible, for me it wouldn't all be that shocking. (Ahm no pun intended) Anyway nice work sir or madam, you've made my day.
Hermy-one's avatar
He like, disintegrates  
1rafabud's avatar
Yeah, after you complete the quest where you need to keep bandits from freeing him, the generator sends out a discharge that desintegrates him.
XaR623's avatar
hahaha, yeah maybe she kept him in dungeon or something XD
well, thanks :D

i'm a sir anyway :))