faycoon's avatar
Alec: woooooh OwO that's really cool! 
how does it work?

Sanny: yeah this looks pretty cool. And you 
two girls have your signature wu, too.

ucccoffee's avatar
Liam: *enthusiastic grin* Okay, well, you toss this thing and when you say it's name it warps itself into a black hole and it sucks things up so it's good for nabbing other wu or keeping secret stuff. And you know what else I can do with it? I can leap through worm holes and travel through space and stuff isn't that super frickin amazing?

Emilie: You got it! *shows of the Gloves of Nimbus*
faycoon's avatar
Alec:omg this is amazing ; A ;
so you know where the stuff is and you can get it back whenever you want?
Let's travel through space like RIGHT NOW :la:

Sanny: What a neat glove : O We haven't found our signature Wu's yet.
So this makes like thunder?
ucccoffee's avatar
Liam: Yep, it's acts like a ziplock bag almost. You just find a heap of junk wherever it was used last.
That's a great idea! We can pick up some milkways in the Milky Way!!

Emilie: Don't worry, they'll come in time! But this one actually isn't my signature, it's my Elemental weapon as it enhances my thunder based attacks by giving them more force. Used on it's own, it makes pretty loud thunder claps.
faycoon's avatar
Alec: milkways sounds great to me~

Sanny: I see. Sounds pretty ass kicking! I love it!
ucccoffee's avatar
Liam: Let's gooooo~ *they both literally are slurped in by a worm hole*

Emilie: It's pretty fun, and I mean, they're pretty cool gloves so I can't complain!