ginryuumaru's avatar
No, it's not that i dont like this kind of aspect. I like it, i myself trying to create this kind of digimon, but i'm not good at drawing a human. I  just confused, that's all
Color-Arcano's avatar

Discúlpame si no te comprendí anteriormente, si te ayuda acerca de dibujar "Digimons humanos", yo pensé que podían hacerse Digimons de aspecto tan humanos cuando ví a lucemon, y bueno, yo usé al resto de personajes humanos como referencia ^^.

Ginryuumaru, quiero ver algún día un "Digimon Humano" hecho por ti ^^.



I apologize if I not understood previously, if it helps you on drawing "Human Digimon", I thought that they could do so human looking Digimon when I see Lucemon, and well, I used the rest of human characters as a reference ^^.

Ginryuumaru, I want to see one day a "human Digimon" done for you ^^.
ginryuumaru's avatar
Oh, yes, lucemon, how can i forgot him XD

I will make it someday :3