Dredorida's avatar
I had a quick question! It doesn't exactly pertain to this content here, but I can't seem to find any CSS expert-type-person who can help me with a problem I have! ;A;

Oh my profile I have an 'about me' sort of box, where I talk a little bit about myself. I have the coding laid out and everything... but the text is really, really small. I've tried putting </small> in front of it a few times to just check if tht would fix the problem, but it definitely didin't do anything to help it. Any advice? 
huina's avatar
I can't really meddle anymore with code but this isn't about a html tag being put on there. It's in the CSS of the box implemented by deviantart. So I would try to rather add a "font-size=11pt" somewhere in your HTML tags.

such as < |boxname| style="font-size:11pt;">

The current size is a 9pt in the CSS :) Hope that helps you out.
Dredorida's avatar
And where exactly do I put that? ^^; I'm rather new to this whole coding thing. I tried pasting it into the rest of the coding and it made no difference 
huina's avatar
I don't really know the code you used here, you can MP me if you can with a copy paste and I'll "code" it for you to test out. It may not work though.